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New Cover & 99c Sale!

🏝Crashing Together🏝

This book baby of mine got a makeover! I love the fresh new look of my summer romance and isn’t the couple just gorgeous? 😍😍

To celebrate its on sale for only 99c from 3/24-3/26!

☀️ Summer romance

🌊 New adult

🐚 Summer fling

👙Friends with benefits 😏

His name was Cole and I couldn’t resist him. He was everything a girl could want in a summer fling. A hot, tanned, surfer with blonde hair and blue eyes... oh and all those muscles and the six-pack I couldn’t stop staring at.

We agreed to just sex. Lots of sex. Lots of fun. No titles, no relationship, and certainly no love.

Until the sex started to feel like something else.

Something more..

Something way more…

But for him?

It was still just sex.

Until it wasn’t.

Until everything we didn’t mean to build unraveled in a heap of secrets, lies, and broken trust.

We came crashing together but will our summer fling survive the waves?

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