Bonus Epilogue- Landon & Everleigh
Thank you so much reading Fracture. I loved writing the fake dating trope and Landon & Everleigh were amazing to write. I really feel like I nailed Landon's personality lol! Enjoy your exclusive bonus epilogue of Landon & Everleigh only available to my newsletter subscribers.

Bonus Epilogue
“I can not believe we graduate today. How did these four years go by so fast?” I ask Lennox while she’s finishing up my hair. Long, loose curls frame my face and I smile at myself in the mirror.
“It’s insane, isn’t it? It feels like only yesterday we were arriving on campus as naive freshmen.” She runs a brush through my hair gently before spraying a light mist of hair spray.
“I was so nervous. Remember the first beach party?” I laugh as I think about all the shots I downed. “What a night. The next morning though- phew, that was hell.”
“Oh I remember.” Lennox sets down the curling iron and unplugs it. “Absolutely stunning, if I do say so myself.”
I nod as we both study my reflection. “You should style hair more often. Especially mine.” I grin.
“Anytime, Ev. Another reason you should stay in Sierra Cove.” Len winks as she walks backwards towards my door. “Meet me in the kitchen in ten? All I need to do is put on my shoes and finish my makeup.”
“Okay.” I watch her leave and replay what she said. Another reason you should stay in Sierra Cove.
I want to stay. Damn do I want to stay but I miss my sister Bella. I don’t want to live so far from her. At the same time, I don’t want to jeopardize anything between Landon and I.
I know he wants to settle here, our multiple conversations about this very topic always ending with indecisiveness on my part. Lennox and Holden are settling here; should I do the same with Landon?
If Bella weren’t part of the equation, I wouldn’t hesitate to say yes. I’d stay here in a heartbeat. Why does this decision have to be so hard?
And why does it make my heart ache?
My phone buzzes with a text.
L: Pookie bear! I can’t wait to see you. Xoxo
His words cause my heart to shift into overdrive, butterflies and all. No matter how many times we wake up next to each other or see one another naked, his words, his touch, his presence set off a whirlwind inside me like no other. I’ll never grow tired of it. How could I?
L: Am I thinking about you in your sexy dress?
L: Yep.
L: But am I thinking about you out of said dress and spread naked before me even more?
L: ;)
I laugh.
Me: I’ve got you beat. I’m only thinking about you naked. ;)
L: That’s my girl.
I snort. Of course he isn’t phased by it. He loves every second of it.
Several hours later, all of us walked across the stage and received our diploma. There’s huge parties happening all weekend long, on campus, at the fraternity, and the usual house and beach parties. On top of that, there’s family parties, and with everyone from different areas, Landon and I plan on traveling for the next couple of weeks.
But tonight is just for Landon and I.
He told me has a special surprise planned. Lennox almost slipped the other night, so I know she’s in on it too.
Landon takes me by the hand and walks me down to a private part of the beach where a long jetty of rocks stretches out into the water. It’s a nice, secluded spot and I giggle as I think of some of my friends’ stories of coming here.
“What’s so funny?” Landon grins at me.
“I was thinking of some of the stories the girls have told me about this spot. Doin’ the dirty next to these rocks. When it’s dark, of course. Except maybe Lennox.” I tease and we both laugh.
“Gotta love the wild one.” Landon says.
“She’s the best.”
“She is pretty amazing, as you can see.” He waves his hand out in front of him as we stop in front of a blanket on the sand, pillows lined up on one side. There’s a picnic basket, a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice, and rose petals spread throughout. “But not as amazing as you.” He takes my face in his hands and kisses me softly on the lips. “I love you so much,” He whispers as he presses his forehead to mine.
“I love you so much. This is gorgeous, thank you. But I gotta know what’s in the picnic basket.” I grin up at him and place my hands around his wrists, his hands still cupping my cheeks.
“I need more of your sweet lips first.”
Before I can answer, his mouth covers mine and he kisses me so deeply, I’m up on my tip toes. Our love pours into our kiss and I swear every party of me feels it so intensely, my body hums and my soul fills.
After we’ve devoured everything inside the picnic basket and drank the entire bottle of champagne while watching the sunset, we lay on the pillows and look up at the stars.
I cuddle against his side and cover our legs with the extra blanket. He keeps one arm wrapped around my shoulders and the other lays across his chest, our hands intertwined.
A long stretch of silence passes between us, but it’s a comfortable one. Another quality I love so much about our relationship is how comfy we are with each other, even if it’s quiet.
After a while, I’m ready to break the silence. I want to hear his voice, hear the deep rumble from his chest where I rest my head and listen to his heart beat. I’m so hopelessly in love with this boy.
The thought brings tears to my eyes because the love I have for him is immeasurable. “What are you thinking about?”
“I’m naming the stars in the sky after you.”
A lump suddenly forms in my throat and my eyes flood with more tears. I lift my head and rest my chin on his chest. He’s smiling so big it’s as if his entire face is smiling too. How’d I get so lucky?
“You’re just trying to get in my pants.” I tease and he laughs.
“Oh, Pookie bear, I don’t need to try. I’m already in them.”
He moves quickly and before I blink, he’s rolled us over so he’s now above me, his arms braced on either side of my head. He dips his head low and kisses me. But he pulls away too fast and I frown.
“There’s more coming. I want to savor every inch of you tonight, Ev. All night long.”
A moan slips from between my lips. “You promise to stay buried deep inside me?”
“My dirty little minx. I knew you were quiet on the streets, but I never would’ve guessed you were a freak in the sheets.” He grins.
I burst into a fit of laughter. “You did not just say that.”
“What? It’s true.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” I wink.
Landon’s mouth drops open. “My dick just got so hard. Don’t tease me, Pookie bear.”
“You love it.” I reach up and wrap my hands around his neck. “Now, kiss me. And don’t stop.” I pull him towards me.
He kisses me once and then whispers, “Move in with me. Here, there, wherever. I’ll go where you go. That is, if you want me to.”
I lean back and move my hands to his face. I study his eyes, the love he has for me clearly shining through. How could I turn this sweet boy down? My sister will understand. I’ll see her often, I’m sure.
I run my fingers over his cheeks, his mouth, his stubble. Then I nod my head and kiss him through the waterfall of tears pouring down.
“I don’t care where we end up, Ev. As long as I’m with you.”
“I know. I feel the same way.”
“We can move closer to your sister, if you want, or your parents.”
I shake my head. “No. I don’t want to live in the same town I grew up in. Besides, my mother won’t leave us alone, trust me. I like Sierra Cove.”
“Me too. We’ve made a lot of friends here.”
“But I’m not sure I want to be so close to campus. I have more school to finish, which I still need to decide on a nursing program but there’s a couple around here I like, and then I’ll be pulling long shifts at the hospital and I’ll need sleep.”
“Maybe we could move near where we decide to finish school? There’s a mixology school nearby that I want to check out.”
“Mixology? No way!” I smile so wide my cheeks hurt.
“You inspire me to be who I want. I want to mix drinks, not run a business.”
“I’m so happy for you, Landon. You deserve to do what makes you happy.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
We kiss and kiss and kiss some more.
“Let’s convince Bella to move here. Felix and her can stop with the long distance crap, your sister will be close, and my friend will stick around. It’s a win-win for all of us.”
He makes a good point. “You know what? That’s a fantastic idea.”
“I’ve got lots of fantastic ideas hidden away.”
“Oh really? Do share.”
“Key word there was hidden.”
I chuckle. “Ha. You don’t have any.”
“If I gave them all away, they wouldn’t be so fantastic, now would they?”
“You know what I think would be fantastic? If you shut up and kiss me.”
Landon grins and a zing shoots through my spine. Never fails.
He kisses me. Again and again.
And then we make love under the stars.
Over and over again.
All night long.
Did you love reading more of Landon & Everleigh? It was my first time writing a fake dating romance and with the enemies to lovers trope thrown in there, I loved it!
The next book in the series is Rhett & Maia's story and it's the last one in the series! It's a friends to lovers, forced proximity, who hurt you romance. It's now available for you to read and trust'll fall hard for our lovable hero Rhett!